Yesterday I found like a million snails that died in my backyard.  These snails werent doing anything to anybody.  Why should snails die for no reason at all?  Heres the answer:  THEY SOULD NOT DIE!!!!  Ok by now your most likely wondering what about my garden right?  Well if your worried about your garden then just put a tomato outside an they will eat that instead of your garden,and they'll be so full they wont even be able to eat anymore,wich means they wont be eating your garden.  If I havent answered all of your questions heres another question someone asked me,  What if you feel snails are just plain creepy? answer:Just stay away from them, DONT KILL THEN,just leave them,or return them to a local park!!!

   When I was eight years old I never let my parents kill the snails in our backyard.I would always hold them in my hand and grin!!! I love caring for snails!!!